Monday, August 17, 2009

The “Yuck” Factor:

The yuck factor - to be balanced out by fabulous images of NM skies in our next post– includes quail thawing in our tiny RV kitchen; said quail cut up and attached to a feeding board for the chicks; the always riveting spectacle of older falcon consuming whole quail - including their preference for brains, slurping and tugs of war with viscera, and downing an entire leg and foot whole like carnival sword swallowers.
To commemorate this, Erv composed the “Ode To A Hack Site Attendant,” sung to the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic: “Mine eyes have seen the gory of dismembering a quail; they are pecking out the gizzards and the stringy red entrails. As they rip apart the heads and feet we watch the feathers fly; the mess could make you cry!”
You get the gist, and you can imagine cleaning up after these orgies, even with a little help from a box turtle under the tower! Last yuck factor photo… what we refer to as “taking the shovel for a walk…”

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