Thursday, February 28, 2008

Weather has improved dramatically and with the warmer temps, we are getting out more and hiking. The other morning while we both rested up from a nice walk, I saw the beat up shoes sitting in the sun and wrote the following .

Old shoes, new lives.

They lie there in the warming sun. Resting from a long day of walking through muddy fields. Looking for eagles. Looking for cranes. Just looking.
Laces entwined as our lives have become.
Worn and tired, as we are, but with tread and a few good years left on their soles…and our souls?
They are friends. As we are.
Soon, we will slip them on and they will feel good.
And we will head out on another road together.
Again, they will get muddy and wet.
Again they will walk down a new path.
A new path with us. Side by side, hand in hand into the future.
A little more worn everyday but happy to be together. Happy to be moving ahead.
Then, to lie entwined on another floor, in another place warming in the sun, content and comfortable to be with us as we are to be with each other.
Not thrown into the trash, because,…after all there’s a few good miles left in them and us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Erv and Sandra,
The piece about the old shoes can only be appreciated by those (of us) who have many miles on us. Sometimes solitude is the best but a congenial partner has to enhance our days. I feel fortunate to know you both and know you are very lucky to have each other. It gives me hope.
I will follow news of your adventures and especially your foray into Alaska.